Filsuvez Tube Calculator
The tube calculator is designed to offer assistance in determining the appropriate quantity of FILSUVEZ prescriptions. During the clinical trial, an average of 27 tubes were utilized per month, with a median of 19 tubes per month. Final prescription quantities should be determined based on clinical assessment and individual patient requirements.
Only eligible treatment areas should be included in the calculation.
Eligible treatment areas include affected areas with open wounding.Areas affected but not eligible for treatment
Erosions, blisters and crusts are not eligible and should not be included in the calculation for treatment.

Areas eligible for treatment
Open wounds are the only eligible treatment areas for Filsuvez.

Step 1 Calculate BSA
BSA is estimated using the height (cm) and weight (kg) of the patient using the Du Bois formula1:
Step 2 Estimate percentage of eligible area
Step 3 Calculate eligible area
Step 1 Actual eligible area
- Du Bois D et al. A Formula to Estimate the Approximate Surface Area if Height and Weight Be Known. Arch intern Med. 1916;17:863-71
- Hettiaratchy et al. Initial management of a major burn: II—assessment and resuscitation. BMJ. 2004 Jul 10; 329(7457):101-103.
- Lund CC et al. The Estimation of Areas of Burns. Surg Gynecol Obstet. 1944;79:352-8.
- Kern JS et al. Oleogel-S10 Phase 3 study "EASE" for epidermolysis bullosa: study design and rationale. Trials. 2019 Jun 11;20(1):350.